Vehicle Fire suppression installations



With an operating weight of over 350t this Mantsinen 300 is working at the UK's largest port operation discharging bulk cargos. It is now protected by the industry-leading Reacton fire suppression system supplied by Fireward Fire Suppression.

With a dual agent fire system with an in-cab monitor, engine shutdown and battery isolation as standard; this tremendous crane is now protected by an industry-leading fire suppression system. In the event of a catastrophic fire, the operator, operation and asset will be safe.

01-Fireward-Automatic-Fire-Suppression-Install-Mansinen-300M-Grid-01Fireward, Protecting People and Assets 24/7.

To find out more about how Fireward’s Automatic Fire Suppression systems, get in touch by calling 0800 151 0249 or email at:

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