Fireward - Fire suppression installations, servicing and an overview of our work.


Written by Evelyn Silvester | 02-Aug-2022 11:00:00


Recycling yards experience a higher proportion of fires than any other industry; even with impeccable cleaning and maintenance regimes, the risk of fire is ever present every day. 

This Rubblemaster RM70GO! has received its award-winning SPCR183 fire suppression system to keep it protected round the clock from a catastrophic fire.

With industry-leading dry powder primary agent, two manual actuators and equipment shutdown, this machine is protected with the globally recognised Reacton fire suppression system.

Fireward, Protecting People and Assets 24/7.

To find out more about how Fireward’s Automatic Fire Suppression systems, get in touch by calling 0800 151 0249 or email at: